# Site settings title: sergio.am description: >- # site description Notas y apuntes de cosas con las que suelo perder el tiempo, para mi yo del futuro. lang: es-ES timezone: Europe/Madrid image: assets/img/sergio.png # This image used for Open Graph more info https://ogp.me/ mode: dark # default theme "dark" | "light" # Profile settings author: name: Sergio Álvarez bio: >- # tell to the world Notas y apuntes para mi yo del futuro. username: sergioam # general username github: xergio # github username twitter: xergio # twitter username email: correo@sergio.am # email adress avatar: /assets/img/sergio100w.jpg # change with your own avatar # URL settings url: "https://sergio.am" # baseurl: permalink: /-/:title/ google_analytics: # leave it blank if not wish fb_appid: # Collection setting collections: posts: output: true # Markdown settings markdown: kramdown highlighter: rouge kramdown: syntax_highlighter: rouge # Default front matter defaults: - scope: path: "" values: layout: post comments: false # Jekyll Compose default front matter jekyll_compose: post_default_front_matter: modified: tags: [] description: draft_default_front_matter: modified: tags: [] description: # Homepage limit posts number_of_posts: 5 # Build settings # theme: klise sass: style: compressed include: - _redirects - .htaccess exclude: - CNAME - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - CHANGELOG.md - README.md - node_modules - CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md - CONTRIBUTING.md - lighthouse.png - klise-*.gem - klise.gemspec - vendor # Plugins plugins: - jekyll-feed - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-postfiles