#! /bin/bash set -x # bad start, we should build to a tmp dir rm -rf _site mkdir -p _site touch _site/index.md buildDate="$(date '+%d %b %Y')" # $1=file $2=add to index convert_md_to_html() { fileName=$(basename "${1%.*}") postDate=$(date '+%d %b %Y' -d "$(stat -c %y "$1" | awk '{print $1}')") bodyClass="page" if [ $2 -eq 1 ]; then bodyClass="post" echo "- [$(pandoc --template=pandoc-metadata.json "$1" | jq -r .title)](/$fileName.html) _${postDate}_" >> _site/index.md fi pandoc --template=tpl-layout.html --highlight-style=zenburn --metadata buildDate="$buildDate" --metadata postDate="$postDate" --metadata bodyClass="$bodyClass" -f markdown -t html5 "$1" > _site/"$fileName".html } # posts for post in _posts/*.md; do convert_md_to_html "$post" 1 done # drafts if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then for post in _drafts/*.md; do convert_md_to_html "$post" 1 done fi # pages for post in ./*.md; do convert_md_to_html "$post" 0 done # index # is there a better way to invert the file? echo "$(tac _site/index.md)" > _site/index.md pandoc --template=tpl-layout.html --metadata isIndex=1 --metadata buildDate="$buildDate" --metadata bodyClass="index" -f markdown -t html5 _site/index.md > _site/index.html # static files cp -r static _site/static cp -r assets _site/assets cp -r root/* _site/ # concat css cat static/reset.css static/styles.css > _site/static/css.css