#! /usr/bin/python3 import redis import time import requests import sys import webhook import conf now = time.time() wh = webhook.Webhook(conf.url_discord_webhook) r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', charset="utf-8", decode_responses=True) bnet_achs = conf.battle_net_url("https://{0}.api.battle.net/wow/data/guild/achievements?locale=es_ES&apikey={1}") bnet_guild = conf.battle_net_url("https://{0}.api.battle.net/wow/guild/dun%20modr/vagrant%20story?fields=news,members,achievements&locale=es_ES&apikey={1}") a = requests.get(url=bnet_achs).json() g = requests.get(url=bnet_guild).json() if "members" not in g: print("'members' not in g") sys.exit() members = r.smembers("bot:members") # members database, used by other scripts chars = set() # who join the guild, who leaves for member in g["members"]: chars.add(member["character"]["name"]) for new in chars.difference(members): r.sadd("bot:members", new) members.add(new) wh.send(":inbox_tray: **{0}** ha entrado a la guild! 🎉".format(new)) for kick in members.difference(chars): r.srem("bot:members", kick) wh.send(":outbox_tray: **{0}** ha salido a la guild :confused:".format(kick)) if "news" not in g: print("'news' not in g") sys.exit() g["news"].reverse() r.zremrangebyscore("bot:guild", "-inf", now-(60*60*24*2)) for news in g["news"]: fid = None push = None if news["timestamp"]/1000 < now-(60*60*24): # oooold, check 1 day only continue if news["type"] in ["playerAchievement", "guildAchievement"]: fid = "{} {} {}".format(news["type"], news["character"], news["achievement"]["title"]) push = ":medal: **{0}** gana el logro **{1}**!".format(news["character"], news["achievement"]["title"]) if fid is None or r.zadd("bot:guild", now, fid) == 0 or push is None: continue wh.send(push) time.sleep(2) # prevent rate limit, for example with boss FK if "achievements" not in g: print("'achievements' not in g") sys.exit() def ach_to_list(data): ret = [] for d in data: if "categories" in d: ret.extend(ach_to_list(d["categories"])) elif "achievements" in d: ret.extend(ach_to_list(d["achievements"])) else: ret.append(d) return ret a = ach_to_list(a["achievements"]) achievements = [int(x) for x in r.smembers("bot:guild-ach")] for new in set(g["achievements"]["achievementsCompleted"]).difference(achievements): r.sadd("bot:guild-ach", new) ach = next((item for item in a if item["id"] == new), None) if not ach or "title" not in ach: continue title = ach["title"] desc = ach["description"] url = "http://es.wowhead.com/achievement={0}".format(new) icon = "https://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/icons/large/{0}.jpg".format(ach["icon"]) wh.add_embed(webhook.embed(title=ach["title"], url="http://es.wowhead.com/achievement={0}".format(new), description=ach["description"], thumbnail=webhook.image(icon))) wh.send(":clap: Vagrant Story ha ganado un logro!") time.sleep(2)