local myname, ns = ... -- Resize a frame to fit all its visible children. Useful for creating frames -- that adjust to their contents while reducing couping between those frames -- -- Attach to a frame by using `frame.SizeToFit = ns.SizeToFit`. Call with colon -- syntax, i.e. `frame:SizeToFit()` on the eldest frame you want to resize. -- All children with this helper will be resized if they are currently shown. local function ResizeChildren(...) for i=1,select("#", ...) do local child = select(i, ...) if child.SizeToFit and child:IsShown() then child:SizeToFit() end end end function ns.SizeToFit(self) -- The frame must be visible for `GetBoundsRect()` to work. That means it has -- to be "Shown" and have non-zero dimensions self:Show() self:SetSize(1, 1) -- Child frames need to be resized first ResizeChildren(self:GetChildren()) -- Now resize ourself local _, _, width, height = self:GetBoundsRect() if(width ~= nil and height ~= nil) then self:SetSize(width, height) end end