local myname, ns = ... local ItemSearch = LibStub('LibItemSearch-1.0') local NUMROWS, ICONSIZE, GAP, SCROLLSTEP = 14, 17, 4, 5 for _,f in pairs{MerchantNextPageButton, MerchantPrevPageButton, MerchantPageText} do f:Hide() f.Show = f.Hide end local GVS = CreateFrame("frame", nil, MerchantFrame) GVS:SetWidth(315) GVS:SetHeight(294) GVS:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 8, -67) GVS:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) if self[event] then return self[event](self, event, ...) end end) GVS:Hide() local function OnClick(self, button) if IsAltKeyDown() and not self.AltCurrency:IsShown() then self:BuyItem(true) elseif IsModifiedClick() then HandleModifiedItemClick(GetMerchantItemLink(self:GetID())) elseif self.AltCurrency:IsShown() then local id = self:GetID() local link = GetMerchantItemLink(id) self.link, self.texture = GetMerchantItemLink(id), self.icon:GetTexture() MerchantFrame_ConfirmExtendedItemCost(self) else self:BuyItem() end end local function PopoutOnClick(self, button) local id = self:GetParent():GetID() local link = GetMerchantItemLink(id) if not link then return end local _, _, _, vendorStackSize, numAvailable = GetMerchantItemInfo(id) local maxPurchase = GetMerchantItemMaxStack(id) local _, _, _, _, _, _, _, itemStackSize = GetItemInfo(link) local size = numAvailable > 0 and numAvailable or itemStackSize OpenStackSplitFrame(250, self, "LEFT", "RIGHT") end local function Purchase(id, quantity) local _, _, _, vendorStackSize, numAvailable = GetMerchantItemInfo(id) local maxPurchase = GetMerchantItemMaxStack(id) if numAvailable > 0 and numAvailable < quantity then quantity = numAvailable end local purchased = 0 while purchased < quantity do local buyamount = math.min(maxPurchase, quantity - purchased) purchased = purchased + buyamount BuyMerchantItem(id, buyamount) end end local function BuyItem(self, fullstack) local id = self:GetID() local link = GetMerchantItemLink(id) if not link then return end local _, _, _, vendorStackSize = GetMerchantItemInfo(id) local _, _, _, _, _, _, _, itemStackSize = GetItemInfo(link) Purchase(id, fullstack and itemStackSize or vendorStackSize or 1) end local function PopoutSplitStack(self, qty) Purchase(self:GetParent():GetID(), qty) end local ROWHEIGHT = 21 local rows = {} for i=1,NUMROWS do local row = CreateFrame('Button', nil, GVS) -- base frame row:SetHeight(ROWHEIGHT) row:SetPoint("TOP", i == 1 and GVS or rows[i-1], i == 1 and "TOP" or "BOTTOM") row:SetPoint("LEFT") row:SetPoint("RIGHT", -19, 0) row.BuyItem = BuyItem row:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\HelpFrame\\HelpFrameButton-Highlight") row:GetHighlightTexture():SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 0.578125) row:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp") row:SetScript('OnClick', OnClick) row:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") row:SetScript('OnDragStart', function(self, button) MerchantFrame.extendedCost = nil PickupMerchantItem(self:GetID()) if self.extendedCost then MerchantFrame.extendedCost = self end end) local backdrop = row:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") backdrop:SetAllPoints() backdrop:SetTexture("Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background") row.backdrop = backdrop local icon = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, row) icon:SetHeight(ICONSIZE) icon:SetWidth(ICONSIZE) icon:SetPoint('LEFT', 2, 0) row.icon = icon:CreateTexture(nil, "BORDER") row.icon:SetAllPoints() local popout = CreateFrame("Button", nil, row) popout:SetPoint("RIGHT") popout:SetWidth(ROWHEIGHT/2) popout:SetHeight(ROWHEIGHT) popout:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\PaperDollInfoFrame\\UI-GearManager-FlyoutButton") popout:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\PaperDollInfoFrame\\UI-GearManager-FlyoutButton") popout:GetNormalTexture():SetTexCoord(0.15625, 0.5, 0.84375, 0.5, 0.15625, 0, 0.84375, 0) popout:GetHighlightTexture():SetTexCoord(0.15625, 1, 0.84375, 1, 0.15625, 0.5, 0.84375, 0.5) popout:SetScript("OnClick", PopoutOnClick) popout.SplitStack = PopoutSplitStack row.popout = popout local ItemPrice = row:CreateFontString(nil, nil, "NumberFontNormal") ItemPrice:SetPoint('RIGHT', popout, "LEFT", -2, 0) row.ItemPrice = ItemPrice local AltCurrency = ns.NewAltCurrencyFrame(row) AltCurrency:SetPoint("RIGHT", ItemPrice, "LEFT") row.AltCurrency = AltCurrency local ItemName = row:CreateFontString(nil, nil, "GameFontNormalSmall") ItemName:SetPoint("LEFT", icon, "RIGHT", GAP, 0) ItemName:SetPoint("RIGHT", AltCurrency, "LEFT", -GAP, 0) ItemName:SetJustifyH("LEFT") row.ItemName = ItemName row:SetScript('OnEnter', function(self) GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT") GameTooltip:SetMerchantItem(self:GetID()) GameTooltip_ShowCompareItem() MerchantFrame.itemHover = self:GetID() if IsModifiedClick("DRESSUP") then ShowInspectCursor() else ResetCursor() end end) row:SetScript('OnLeave', function() GameTooltip:Hide() ResetCursor() MerchantFrame.itemHover = nil end) rows[i] = row end local function ShowMerchantItem(row, i) row:SetID(i) row:Show() local name, itemTexture, itemPrice, itemStackCount, numAvailable, isUsable, extendedCost = GetMerchantItemInfo(i) local link = GetMerchantItemLink(i) local gradient, shown = ns.GetRowGradient(i) row.backdrop:SetGradientAlpha("HORIZONTAL", unpack(gradient)) row.backdrop:SetShown(shown) row.icon:SetTexture(itemTexture) local textcolor = ns.GetRowTextColor(i) row.ItemName:SetText((numAvailable > -1 and ("["..numAvailable.."] ") or "").. textcolor.. (name or "").. (itemStackCount > 1 and ("|r x"..itemStackCount) or "")) row.AltCurrency:SetValue(i) if extendedCost then row.link, row.texture, row.extendedCost = link, itemTexture, true end if itemPrice > 0 then row.ItemPrice:SetText(ns.GSC(itemPrice)) row.Price = itemPrice end if extendedCost and (itemPrice <= 0) then row.ItemPrice:SetText("") row.Price = 0 elseif extendedCost and (itemPrice > 0) then row.ItemPrice:SetText(ns.GSC(itemPrice)) else row.extendedCost = nil end row.icon:SetVertexColor(ns.GetRowVertexColor(i)) end local scrollbar = LibStub("tekKonfig-Scroll").new(GVS, 0, SCROLLSTEP) local offset = 0 local function Refresh() local n = GetMerchantNumItems() local row, n_searchmatch = 1, 0 for i=1,n do local link = GetMerchantItemLink(i) if ItemSearch:Find(link, GVS.searchstring) then if n_searchmatch >= offset and n_searchmatch < offset + NUMROWS then ShowMerchantItem(rows[row], i) row = row + 1 end n_searchmatch = n_searchmatch + 1 end end scrollbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, math.max(0, n_searchmatch - NUMROWS)) for i=row,NUMROWS do rows[i]:Hide() end end GVS.CURRENCY_DISPLAY_UPDATE = Refresh GVS.BAG_UPDATE = Refresh GVS.MERCHANT_UPDATE = Refresh ns.MakeSearchField(GVS, Refresh) local f = scrollbar:GetScript("OnValueChanged") scrollbar:SetScript("OnValueChanged", function(self, value, ...) offset = math.floor(value) Refresh() return f(self, value, ...) end) local offset = 0 GVS:EnableMouseWheel(true) GVS:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(self, value) scrollbar:SetValue(scrollbar:GetValue() - value * SCROLLSTEP) end) GVS:SetScript("OnShow", function(self, noreset) local max = math.max(0, GetMerchantNumItems() - NUMROWS) scrollbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, max) scrollbar:SetValue(noreset and math.min(scrollbar:GetValue(), max) or 0) Refresh() GVS:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE") GVS:RegisterEvent("MERCHANT_UPDATE") GVS:RegisterEvent("CURRENCY_DISPLAY_UPDATE") end) GVS:SetScript("OnHide", function() GVS:UnregisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE") GVS:UnregisterEvent("MERCHANT_UPDATE") GVS:UnregisterEvent("CURRENCY_DISPLAY_UPDATE") if StackSplitFrame:IsVisible() then StackSplitFrame:Hide() end end) -- Reanchor the buyback button, it acts weird when switching tabs otherwise... MerchantBuyBackItem:ClearAllPoints() MerchantBuyBackItem:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -7, 33) local function Show() for i=1,12 do _G["MerchantItem"..i]:Hide() end if GVS:IsShown() then GVS:GetScript("OnShow")(GVS, true) else GVS:Show() end end hooksecurefunc("MerchantFrame_UpdateMerchantInfo", Show) hooksecurefunc("MerchantFrame_UpdateBuybackInfo", function() GVS:Hide() for i=1,12 do _G["MerchantItem"..i]:Show() end end) if MerchantFrame:IsVisible() and MerchantFrame.selectedTab == 1 then Show() end LibStub("tekKonfig-AboutPanel").new(nil, "GnomishVendorShrinker")