local myname, ns = ... local ItemSearch = ns.LibItemSearch ns.LibItemSearch = nil local NUMROWS, SCROLLSTEP = 14, 5 local function Hide(frame) frame:Hide() frame.Show = frame.Hide end function ns.OnLoad() Hide(MerchantNextPageButton) Hide(MerchantPrevPageButton) Hide(MerchantPageText) local GVS = ns.NewMainFrame() GVS:SetWidth(315) GVS:SetHeight(294) GVS:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 8, -67) GVS:Hide() -- Reanchor the buyback button, it acts weird when switching tabs otherwise... MerchantBuyBackItem:ClearAllPoints() MerchantBuyBackItem:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -7, 33) local function Show() for i=1,12 do _G["MerchantItem"..i]:Hide() end if GVS:IsShown() then GVS:GetScript("OnShow")(GVS, true) else GVS:Show() end end hooksecurefunc("MerchantFrame_UpdateMerchantInfo", Show) hooksecurefunc("MerchantFrame_UpdateBuybackInfo", function() GVS:Hide() for i=1,12 do _G["MerchantItem"..i]:Show() end end) if MerchantFrame:IsVisible() and MerchantFrame.selectedTab == 1 then Show() end -- Clean up our frame factories for i,v in pairs(ns) do if i:match("^New") then ns[i] = nil end end end