spell aliases

This commit is contained in:
Sergio Álvarez 2018-08-12 02:20:44 +02:00
parent 6637e06f17
commit 00b73e1565
1 changed files with 22 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -2,9 +2,15 @@
local me = ... local me = ...
local plugin = BigWigs:GetPlugin("Bars") local plugin = BigWigs:GetPlugin("Bars")
local db = plugin.db.profile local db = plugin.db.profile
--local colors = BigWigs:GetPlugin("Colors")
local alias = {
["Energía estática sanguina"] = "CONO" -- Uldir - Taloc
-- "bars" l&f -- "bars" l&f
local function style(bar) -- We need to setup the bars itself, with a transparent color
local function style(bar)
bar.candyBarLabel:SetJustifyH("LEFT") bar.candyBarLabel:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
bar.candyBarLabel:ClearAllPoints() bar.candyBarLabel:ClearAllPoints()
bar.candyBarLabel:Point("LEFT", bar, "LEFT", db.BigWigsAnchor_height + 4, 0) bar.candyBarLabel:Point("LEFT", bar, "LEFT", db.BigWigsAnchor_height + 4, 0)
@ -21,9 +27,21 @@ plugin:RegisterBarStyle("GioNoBars", {
GetStyleName = function() return "Gio No Bars" end, GetStyleName = function() return "Gio No Bars" end,
}) })
-- emphasized text color local function styleCreated(msg, plugin, bar, module, key, text, time, icon, isApprox)
local function styleEmphasized(msg, plugin, bar) --DevTools_Dump(colors:GetColor("barText", module, key))
bar:SetTextColor(1, 0, 0) if alias[text] ~= nil then
bar:SetLabel(alias[text] .." (".. text ..")")
end end
local function styleEmphasized(msg, plugin, bar)
bar:SetTextColor(1, 0, 0) -- this should be fixed
--local r, g, b, a = bar.candyBarLabel:GetTextColor()
BigWigsLoader.RegisterMessage(me, "BigWigs_BarCreated", styleCreated)
BigWigsLoader.RegisterMessage(me, "BigWigs_BarEmphasized", styleEmphasized) BigWigsLoader.RegisterMessage(me, "BigWigs_BarEmphasized", styleEmphasized)