-- Upvalues local _G = _G local bit, strsub, strlen, select, max = bit, strsub, strlen, select, max local addonName, addonNS = ... local LQT = LibStub('LibQTip-1.0') local LDB = LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1") local LTT = LibStub("LibBabble-TalentTree-3.0"):GetLookupTable() local LCT = LibStub("LibBabble-CreatureType-3.0"):GetLookupTable() local LC = {} -- LOCALE CLASSES local CC = {} -- CLASS COLOR local classes_raw = {} -- conversion only FillLocalizedClassList(classes_raw) for token, localizedName in pairs(classes_raw) do local color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[token]; LC[token] = localizedName CC[token] = color.colorStr end local defaults = { -- http://www.wowhead.com/guide=1100/buffs-and-debuffs [1] = { -- Stats [1] = "Interface\\Icons\\spell_nature_regeneration", [2] = { {LC["DRUID"], CC["DRUID"]}, {LC["MONK"], CC["MONK"]}, {LC["PALADIN"], CC["PALADIN"]} }, [3] = {LCT["Dog"], LCT["Gorilla"], LCT["Shale Spider"], LCT["Worm"]} }, [2] = { -- Stamina [1] = "Interface\\Icons\\spell_holy_wordfortitude", [2] = { {LC["WARRIOR"], CC["WARRIOR"]}, {LC["PRIEST"], CC["PRIEST"]}, {LC["WARLOCK"], CC["WARLOCK"]} }, [3] = {LCT["Bear"], LCT["Goat"], LCT["Rylak"], LCT["Silithid"]} }, [3] = { --Attack Power [1] = "Interface\\Icons\\ability_warrior_battleshout", [2] = { {LC["DEATHKNIGHT"], CC["DEATHKNIGHT"]}, {LC["WARRIOR"], CC["WARRIOR"]}, {LC["HUNTER"], CC["HUNTER"]} }, [3] = {} }, [4] = { --Haste [1] = "Interface\\Icons\\spell_nature_bloodlust", [2] = { {LC["DEATHKNIGHT"].." "..STAT_DPS_SHORT, CC["DEATHKNIGHT"]}, {LC["ROGUE"], CC["ROGUE"]}, {LC["PRIEST"].." "..LTT["Shadow"], CC["PRIEST"]}, {LC["SHAMAN"], CC["SHAMAN"]} }, [3] = {LCT["Hyena"], LCT["Rylak"], LCT["Sporebat"], LCT["Wasp"]} }, [5] = { --Spell Power [1] = "Interface\\Icons\\spell_holy_magicalsentry", [2] = { {LC["MAGE"], CC["MAGE"]}, {LC["WARLOCK"], CC["WARLOCK"]} }, [3] = {LCT["Serpent"], LCT["Silithid"], LCT["Water Strider"]} }, [6] = { -- Critical Strike [1] = "Interface\\Icons\\spell_nature_unyeildingstamina", [2] = { {LC["MAGE"], CC["MAGE"]}, {LC["DRUID"].." "..LTT["Feral"], CC["DRUID"]}, {LC["MONK"].." "..STAT_CATEGORY_MELEE, CC["MONK"]} }, [3] = {LCT["Devilsaur"], LCT["Quilen"], LCT["Raptor"], LCT["Shale Spider"], LCT["Water Strider"], LCT["Wolf"]} }, [7] = { --Mastery [1] = "Interface\\Icons\\spell_holy_greaterblessingofkings", [2] = { {LC["DEATHKNIGHT"].." "..LTT["Blood"], CC["DEATHKNIGHT"]}, {LC["SHAMAN"], CC["SHAMAN"]}, {LC["DRUID"].." "..LTT["Balance"], CC["DRUID"]}, {LC["PALADIN"], CC["PALADIN"]} }, [3] = {LCT["Cat"], LCT["Hydra"], LCT["Spirit Beast"], LCT["Tallstrider"]} }, [8] = { --Multistrike [1] = "Interface\\Icons\\inv_elemental_mote_air01", [2] = { {LC["ROGUE"], CC["ROGUE"]}, {LC["PRIEST"].." "..LTT["Shadow"], CC["PRIEST"]}, {LC["WARLOCK"], CC["WARLOCK"]}, {LC["MONK"].." "..STAT_DPS_SHORT, CC["MONK"]} }, [3] = {LCT["Bat"], LCT["Clefthoof"], LCT["Core Hound"], LCT["Dragonhawk"], LCT["Wind Serpent"]} }, [9] = { --Versatility [1] = "Interface\\Icons\\spell_holy_mindvision", [2] = { {LC["DEATHKNIGHT"].." "..STAT_DPS_SHORT, CC["DEATHKNIGHT"]}, {LC["WARRIOR"].." "..STAT_DPS_SHORT, CC["WARRIOR"]}, {LC["DRUID"], CC["DRUID"]}, {LC["PALADIN"].." "..STAT_DPS_SHORT, CC["PALADIN"]} }, [3] = {LCT["Bird of Prey"], LCT["Boar"], LCT["Clefthoof"], LCT["Porcupine"], LCT["Ravager"], LCT["Stag"], LCT["Worm"]} } } local function classColorLocalized(color, spec) return "\124c".. color..spec.."\124r" end local BrokerConsolidatedBuffs = LDB:NewDataObject("Broker_ConsolidatedBuffs", { type = "data source", text = "0/".._G.NUM_LE_RAID_BUFF_TYPES, value = "0/".._G.NUM_LE_RAID_BUFF_TYPES, icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\Broker_ConsolidatedBuffs\\BuffConsolidation", -- I can't use the default because is a combination texture :( label = "ConsolidatedBuffs", OnEnter = function(self) local tooltip = LQT:Acquire("Broker_ConsolidatedBuffsTooltip", 3, "LEFT", "LEFT", "LEFT") self.tooltip = tooltip tooltip:AddHeader(_G.CONSOLIDATE_BUFFS_TEXT) tooltip:AddLine(" ") tooltip:AddHeader(_G.STATISTICS, _G.ALL_CLASSES, _G.PETS)--CONSOLIDATE_BUFFS_TEXT) tooltip:AddSeparator() --tooltip:AddLine(" ") -- http://wowprogramming.com/utils/xmlbrowser/live/FrameXML/BuffFrame.lua local buffmask = _G.GetRaidBuffInfo() or 0 local mask = 1 for i = 1, _G.NUM_LE_RAID_BUFF_TYPES do local name, rank, texture, duration, expiration, spellId, slot = _G.GetRaidBuffTrayAuraInfo(i) local c if name then c = "00FF00" else if bit.band(buffmask, mask) > 0 then c = "FF0000" else c = "888888" end end local classes = "" for ii = 1, #defaults[i][2] do classes = classes ..", ".. classColorLocalized(defaults[i][2][ii][2], defaults[i][2][ii][1]) end local pets = "" for ii = 1, #defaults[i][3] do pets = pets ..", ".. defaults[i][3][ii] end tooltip:AddLine( "\124T"..defaults[i][1]..":0\124t \124cFF"..c.._G["RAID_BUFF_"..i]:gsub("-\n", "").."\124r", strsub(classes, 2), strsub(pets, 2) ) mask = bit.lshift(mask, 1) end tooltip:SmartAnchorTo(self) tooltip:Show() end, OnLeave = function(self) LQT:Release(self.tooltip) self.tooltip = nil end, OnClick = function(button) local missing = "" local unavailable = "" local buffmask = _G.GetRaidBuffInfo() or 0 local mask = 1 for i = 1, _G.NUM_LE_RAID_BUFF_TYPES do if not _G.GetRaidBuffTrayAuraInfo(i) then if bit.band(buffmask, mask) > 0 then missing = missing .. _G["RAID_BUFF_"..i]:gsub("-\n", "") ..", " else unavailable = unavailable .. _G["RAID_BUFF_"..i]:gsub("-\n", "") ..", " end end mask = bit.lshift(mask, 1) end local channel = "SAY" if _G.IsInGroup(_G.LE_PARTY_CATEGORY_INSTANCE) then channel = "INSTANCE_CHAT" elseif _G.IsInRaid() then channel = "RAID" elseif _G.IsInGroup() then channel = "PARTY" end if missing ~= "" then _G.SendChatMessage(_G.ADDON_MISSING..": "..strsub(missing, 0, strlen(missing)-2), channel) end if unavailable ~= "" then _G.SendChatMessage(_G.UNAVAILABLE..": "..strsub(unavailable, 0, strlen(unavailable)-2), channel) end end }) local function updateBuffs(self, event, unitID) if (unitID == "player" or event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then local c = 0 for i = 1, _G.NUM_LE_RAID_BUFF_TYPES do if _G.GetRaidBuffTrayAuraInfo(i) then c = c + 1 end end -- I'm gona keep the old code here. Becouse there is an issue with GetRaidBuffInfo()+versatility --and sometimes can appear 2/2 with 1 buff missing -- For example a party of Hunter+Druid. Hunter > AP, Druid > Stats+Vers. GRBI() report only Stats and AP. -- IMO is better to show 2/9 than 2/2 in this cases. --local buffcount = select(2, _G.GetRaidBuffInfo()) --BrokerConsolidatedBuffs.text = c.."/"..max(c, buffcount) --BrokerConsolidatedBuffs.value = c.."/"..max(c, buffcount) -- for ElvUI datatexts -- old code, to be replaced by ^^^^^ BrokerConsolidatedBuffs.text = c.."/"..NUM_LE_RAID_BUFF_TYPES BrokerConsolidatedBuffs.value = c.."/"..NUM_LE_RAID_BUFF_TYPES -- for ElvUI datatexts end end local frame = CreateFrame("Frame") frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA") frame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") frame:SetScript("OnEvent", updateBuffs)